Fast weight loss tips:

It may look like impossible however if you stick to these recommendations for some time then you would surely see the results. I lost approx 10+ kg over a period of 4-5 months so you too can do it, and remember it’s just for few months and later you could regain your actual diet based on your likes/dislikes keeping a balance between your diet and exercise to keep yourself fit and under weight range.

1. Reduce the intake and burn the existing oneJ, isn’t that simple, just kidding!!!
 this is an old one liner you have heard many times however let me tell you the truth, you wouldn’t  be able to reduce weight until you sacrifice some on your diet so just be determined about it, there is no other true formulae.
A-(Reduce the carbohydrate/starch drastically from your diet and keep doing work outs/exercise) (Prepare a plan from the list of food stuff given in the blog to reduce the carb from your day to day food, I suggest to follow those foods have less than 30gm carb / 100 gm)

B-Reduce the habit of having full meal on one sitting rather split it into parts.

C-Stop outside/market food and carry your own Tiffin..but don’t carry those home made sweets/oily stuff J

2. Keep your digestive system well. (You could refer Trifala powder which has natural components to keep your digestive system healthy with no side effects

3. Try to drink lukewarm water during day (this would help in reducing the fat already gained)

        4. Use a lot of soups/salads/greens in your meal (No need to say that you need to choose     
           only those dishes which has least carb/starch)

       5. Low Fat Dairy products items and double toned milk

       6.  Raw Nuts, fruits are good replacements for unhealthy snacks so go for it, keep some in your bag (Tips- Don’t tell abt it to your colleagues else you’ll end up spending more money J)

       7.  Fish and Seafood & Spices can burn the fat and improve your fat burning metabolism

       8.  Keep moving often during work hours, in turn you will end up improving your PR as well as help yourself to be fit.

       9.  Start your day with lukewarm glass of water with lemon & honey, you could add ginger, this will help you to have a better shape.

      10. Set realistic goals and don’t cheat yourself.

(Try and see if it fits to you else come to meJ), make the permutation and combination of foods you like from the list for your breakfast and meals
-Please refer to others posts for the list of foods with ingredients and calories 

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